Forums curated for Data & Analytics Leaders in Local Agencies.
2:45 - 3:30PM EST
Discussion Group 2A: Leveraging Data & AI to Benefit Your Agency
Besa Bauta, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Texas Dept. Of Family & Protective Services
Dorothy Aronson, Chief Information Officer, National Science Foundation
Rob King, Chief Data Officer, Social Security Admin
Callie King, Acting Director of AI, U.S. Dept. of the Air Force
Joel Nantais, Chief Data Scientist, U.S. Dept. of State
Discussion Group 2B: Putting the Quality Back in Your Data
In the data world, quality has been a long-sought, oft-elusive goal. Achieving better data quality requires a robust combination of data-centric processes, tools, and even culture change in the organization.
5:15 - 6:00PM EST
Daniel Corbin, Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Marine Corps
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced the country to stay home in March 2020, the importance of digital equity became clear. To participate fully in modern life, people needed reliable high-speed Internet in their houses, up-to-date devices for accessing that Internet, and the skills to use it in meaningful ways. Many folks had these things, but across the country — in rural, suburban and urban communities — there was consistently a remaining percentage who did not. There was and still is a last-mile for digital equity.
Jaime Lees, Chief Data Officer, Arlington County
Autumn Evans, Deputy Director of Digital Inclusion, City of Detroit
Devon Braunstein, Digital Inclusion Policy Fellow, City of Chicago
Anil Chaudhry, Director of Federal AI Implementations, GSA
11:45-12:30PM EST
As agencies deal with an abundance of generated data, they’re adopting new tools and strategies to gain actionable insights and deliver better citizen services.
Jennifer Koester, Chief Data Officer, State of Delaware
Shauna Rogers, Chief Digital & Data Officer, Texas Attorney General
Anil Chaudhry, Director of Federal AI Implementations, GSA
Technology-related skills gap are being exacerbated by the pandemic. Government agencies across the nation are working toward bridging the gap by preparing people to adapt not only to new jobs, but to entirely different fields.
Alaa Moussawi, Chief Data Scientist, NYC Council